Tuesday, January 13, 2009


I think I am excited to start something new. It is called project 365 on flickr. I am supposed to take a picture a day and post it to flickr. I think that it will push me to be more creative and take pictures of more things. I am starting off with this one. Carson is always so funny to me and this is a classic look.

I am also excited because I am going to start to get ready to hike the narrows this summer. I decided I needed a warm destination to get me looking forward to something. So here goes. Did I tell anyone that Jaden's new word is moron. He calls everyone it. And to my suprise he uses it appropriately. I know that he has not heard that from me because I like to call people stupid. Then when he calls someone that I of course say that is not nice. So then he always backs it up with something french like "excusem wa." Another favorite of mine.


Unknown said...

Love the udpate and photos!

Anonymous said...

He is too stinking cute!!!!

Melissa said...

That is out right darn funny. I love your kids. I only wish we lived closer so I could get my fill.

Unknown said...

LOL!!!!!!!! I always knew your kids would be bilingual. I just assumed it would be Dutch, not French.

Kristin said...

I love, love, love the pictures.