Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A New Day!!

I am out and about taking pictures like a mad woman. I have so many ideas and so many things going through my head!

Since my husband is becoming an iron man I am not feeling so good about myself. I always thought well I have a hobby so I don't need to take care of myself. Well as I watch his transformation. (He is asking me to feel his biceps all the time) I have decided it is time for a change. I have also decided I cannot change all at once or I go into a panic and eat more than should be legally allowed. So I am going to start slow. I am not going to eat after 7:00 p.m. Going to try really hard only to drink diet coke once a week. Small changes. You can only eat an elephant one bite at a time.

I will keep you all posted with what I am going to do for my next bite. Any suggestions would be helpful--so don't be shy and tell me like it is.


Memzy said...

Good for you! That Diet Coke thing is UNpossible for me though. Your pictures are gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Dido, Emily. The Diet Coke thing get's me EVERY DAY. I just keep thinking if I could just drink water instead of this stinking coke then I would be flushing fat away.

Anyhow this is for you JESS. I know you can do it, you are a very STRONG person you just need to let yourself except that and show yourself that you are " YOU CAN DOOOO IT"!!!

Anonymous said...

Whatever you do, make sure you are happy about it. The thing I try to work on is making sure I drink enough water. They say that our bodies have a hard time distinguishing between hunger and thurst. Try drinking a glass of water when you get the urge to snack. Sometimes that will do the trick. Isn't it supposed to be like 2 liters of water a day?

Unknown said...

Actually, it's almost 3 liters a day now. They keep upping it! It's 2.8 liters PLUS whatever you drink during exercise. The water you drink during exercise doesn't count towards that 2.8! But it's like the elephant, just one drink at a time. Drink one glass of water before every snack and meal and that should help. Your body needs water to metabolize fat. It can't metabolize (get rid of it) unless it has excess water available. YOU CAN DO IT! Do it for yourself, not for anyone else, though! And you have the right idea; just baby steps. No need to go crazy all at once! LOVE LOVE LOVE the pictures!!!!!! How do you DO that! It's that new lens, huh?!

Unknown said...

Just switched my picture over so I had to comment again! :-)

Team Routt said...

One of the bits of advice I lecture everyone on is eat!! Don't starve your body or your metabolism will slooowwww down because it has no fuel to burn! Eat small meals through out the day. Also, tons of vegies and fruits, you can never eat too many (sorry, no ranch heavy. You are a strong beautiful woman and you can do anything. Look at what you have done with your camera, you have touched us all.

heidi said...

good luck! i know it's tough because I'm trying myself. so i hope you can work it in whatever way possible

Becky Jean said...

Hey - good luck to you. I started training for my first 5K yesterday. I will run in the Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning. So we can slowly change together!

GustoBones said...

I can so relate. I am married to a man who's waist hasn't changed a drop in 10 years of marriage. Small and steady steps always work the best!!!

GustoBones said...

BTW, I love those fall leaves pictures!!

cathy said...

What a coincidence. Me and my three sisters-in-law started fat club on Sunday. We email each other at night what we've eaten that day and any exercise we've done. Weigh-ins are Sunday morning and Sundays are our "off" day. Got to love accountability. I'm going to get ripped, baby.

MGF said...

I laughed and than laughed more.

Whatever is next, it won't be as hard as Diet Coke.

Sarah said...

I've been "dry" for 386 days. That diet coke is the devil...but you can do it. By the way - found your blog from Amy Routt....dont know her either :) Got to hers from my BFF Courtney